Ellershouse Wind Farm
The rising costs of energy in Nova Scotia and a world in desperate need of moving towards green energy formed the basis for three Towns who own their own electric utilities to come together to form a partnership that led to the creation of the Ellershouse Wind Farm.
The Towns of Antigonish, Berwick and Mahone Bay have partnered together, creating the Alternative Resource Energy Authority (AREA), which built a wind farm to combat rising power costs and to achieve green energy targets proposed by the province of Nova Scotia. To learn more about the start of the Ellershouse Wind Farm and the partners that started the project, watch the video.
Ellershouse Wind Farm began construction in the summer of 2015, using top quality gearless turbines from Enercon. The wind farm started supplying power in December 2015 and all four turbines were working by the end of January 2016. As of 2018, the Ellershouse Wind Farm has a ten turbine, 23.5 MW facility supplying power to the grid. Since the addition of the wind farm, the Town is ahead of schedule to meet the Province of Nova Scotia's 40% renewable energy deadline by 2020.
With the addition of this wind farm as a new power source, the municipal utilities are able to stabilize power rates for customers, any profits made from the sale of this green energy resource will stay among the AREA members, West Hants will receive taxes from the wind farm, and most honourable of all, the green energy targets set by the province will be met!
The benefits of renewable energy allow the Town to provide lower electricity rates so residents can better manage the cost of living and doing business. As the green energy industry continues to grow, the Town will look for new ways to expand our green energy portfolio in order to build a more environmentally friendly community.
Visit the AREA website here