Past Budgets
Each year the budget discussion and approval take place with Town Council, the Finance Department, and CAO's office.
2024/25 Operating Budget for the Town of Berwick
2024/25 Capital Budget for the Town of Berwick
2023/24 Operating Budget for the Town of Berwick
2023/24 Capital Budget for the Town of Berwick
2022/23 Operating Budget for the Town of Berwick
2022/23 Capital Budget for the Town of Berwick
2022/23 Sewer Budget for the Town of Berwick
2021/22 Operating Budget for the Town of Berwick
2021/22 Capital Budget for the Town of Berwick
2021/22 Sewer Budget for the Town of Berwick
2020/21 Operating Budget for the Town of Berwick
2020/21 Capital Budget for the Town of Berwick
2020/21 Sewer Budget for the Town of Berwick