2010 Inductees
Bruce Beattie

Bruce Beattie played many sports in his youth, including baseball in the summer and hockey in the winter. In high school he participated in soccer, volleyball, and track and field. His real passion in sports, though, was hockey.
Bruce played his entire minor hockey career in Berwick and became known and trusted as a steady stay-at-home defenceman.
The highlight of his minor hockey career was the 1967-68 season. The Western Valley Flyers were formed to challenge for provincial, maritime, and national honours in midget age hockey. This stellar group of young men were primarily from the Berwick area and played out of the Berwick Arena. Bruce anchored the defence and was chosen to captain the team in their bid to win to the national title.
The Flyers captured both the Nova Scotia and the Maritime titles, giving them the opportunity to represent their province at the national championship in Kingston, Ontario. The team did their home province proud, placing 4th in Canada. The Western Valley Flyers were inducted into the Berwick Sports Hall of Fame in 2000.
After what Bruce remembers as "the best hockey year he ever played", he moved on to the Berwick Junior Bruins. In the 1969-70 season, Bruce was chosen the Bruins' MVP. He was also the key to the defence at Central Kings during his high school years. His former high school coach, John Prall, remembers him as "a great skater, a good all-round player, a leader, and a true gentleman".
After Bruce graduated from Central Kings in 1971, he enrolled at Acadia University and joined the Axemen blueliners. Bruce's steady play did not go unnoticed in the Junior "B" ranks and he and Joe Gillis were recruited by Moe Smith to join the Windsor Royals for the playoff run.
Bruce continued to toil in the AUS with the Axemen until 1974, when a broken knee cap forced him to miss most of the season. After graduating from Acadia, Bruce moved to the Northwest Territories. He returned to Berwick in 1980 and with his brother Brian started Universal Sports sporting goods store. He played in the suburban league and turned his attention to coaching with Berwick Minor Hockey. He returned to the north and spent a total of fifteen years in various communities there.
Since his return Bruce has been a tremendous contributor to the Berwick community as a volunteer with Gala Days, the Berwick Arena Slow Pitch Tournament, the Apple Dome Steering Committee, and with many Apple Dome fundraisers.
The Berwick Sports Hall of Fame is proud to induct Bruce Beattie.
Inducted June 2010