2015 Inductees
Laura Hubbert

One of the best all-round female athletes Berwick has produced, for a six-year stretch between 1996-2001, Laura Hubbert forged an impressive record, including multiple provincial championships, in a variety of sports.
Born in Berwick in December of 1982, Laura first gained athletic prominence as a junior high school student at Berwick and District School.
In 1996, the first year she competed in school sport, she won the junior girls' javelin at districts, regionals and provincials, setting new district and regional records. She was also the district and regional champion in junior girls' discus, and captured silver at provincials.
In 1997, her second year in the junior division, Laura repeated as district, regional and provincial champion in discus, and won the javelin at both districts and regionals.
Graduating to the intermediate division in 1998, her final year at Berwick School, she won districts and regionals in both discus and javelin, setting district and regional records in both events. At provincials, she was first in javelin and second in discus.
Moving to Central Kings Rural High for Grade 10 in 1999, Laura, in her second year in the intermediate division, engineered a clean sweep, winning both the discus and javelin at districts, regionals and provincials. She set new district and regional records in discus.
In 2000, now competing in the senior division, Laura won both the discus and javelin at districts and regionals. At provincials, she placed second in both events behind only Kate Forbes from CEC.
In her senior year at CK in 2001, she won the discus at districts, regionals and provincials. In javelin, she was first at districts and regionals and second at provincials behind Jill Payne of King's-Edgehill.
Laura played a variety of sports while at Berwick School, including badminton and soccer. She won back-to-back district, regional and provincial championships in badminton in 1996 and 1997. She was Berwick School's Female Athlete of the Year in both 1997 and 1998. She also won the Scholar Athletic Award at Berwick School in 1998.
At Central Kings, Laura continued to play badminton, and won districts and regionals and placed second at provincials in 1999.
Laura was a member of the Berwick-Somerset Tier 2 girls' soccer team from 1997-2001. During that time, Berwick-Somerset won provincial bronze in 1997 and provincial silver in both 1998 and 1999.
In her graduating year at Central Kings in 2001, she was a member of the CK senior girls' soccer tean that won gold at provincials. She was chosen Central Kings Female Athlete of the Year in 2000.
After graduation, Laura attended St. Thomas University in Fredericton from 2001-2006, earning a Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree in English, minoring in sociology and anthropology.
She then attended Acadia from 2006-2008, earning a Bachelor of Education degree, and has been teaching since 2009 except for time off to give birth to her daughter.
During her university years, she helped coach the throwing events at Berwick and District School from 2002 to 2004.
Many times a provincial champion and one of the finest female athletes of her generation, the Berwick Sports Hall of Fame is pleased to induct, in the athlete category, Laura Hubbert.