
Notice of Approval

Development Agreement to construct 120 residential units at Lot 1-AC Commercial Street, Berwick

TAKE NOTICE that on February 25, 2025, Berwick Town Council approved a motion to enter into a development agreement with ​​3264285 Nova Scotia Limited regarding lands on Lot 1-AC Commercial Street (PID 55240048) to construct 120 residential units.

Pursuant to Section 247 and Section 249 of the Municipal Government Act, an aggrieved person, the Director of Planning, or an adjoining Municipality may appeal Council’s decision to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board within fourteen (14) days from the date of this publication.  Inquiries respecting the appeal procedure can be made to the NSUARB at or by calling 902-424-4448.


Information on Development: 2025-02-13 Public Hearing Presentation 

                                               2025-02-25 Supplementary Report to Council