
Construction at Chute Park

⚠️ At Chute Park, there has been work underway over the winter months to further improve the park. Yay!

As we come into spring, we ask that users please use caution at the park and respect signage of closed areas. ⚠️

Central kings graduation prom parade 1

International Women's Day - Women of Berwick

For International Women's Day, on March 8th, the Town of Berwick wishes to recognize notable women from the Town of Berwick.
This may be a woman who was born in Berwick, grew up in the Town or lived here at any period of her life. We asked for submissions from our community of who they would felt was worthy of recognition.

Here are some of the nominations received:

Charity Huntley:
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Charity has been a strong voice in our community promoting diversity and inclusiveness. She was instrumental in organizing a number of events supporting and educating about the Black Lives Matter movement, and is a strong ally to the BIPOC communuty. Charity is always looking to help others find their voice in our community and is very proud of the progressive steps taken by our council and residents to make Berwick a safe and welcome town for everybody.

Barbara Lipp:
Barbara goes above and beyond her job responsibilities as management of the Berwick and District Library. 

Kelsey Best:
Kelsey is a talented athlete and friendly face at the Berwick Fitness Centre!

Catherine (Kay) Balch:
Supports local organizations, volunteers with the Lions, volunteers to BBQ for the seniors who reside in the little subdivision beside Shurgain, volunteers to BBQ for the Waterville field day annual event.

Heather Morse:

Heather Morse is a retired educator and principal with a passion for community volunteering. She currently serves as Chair of the Western Kings Community Health Board (CHB) where she has been a member since 2017. Heather is committed to the health of the community, and food security in particular. She has filled many roles throughout her time on the Community Health Board, including working on the Kings County Food Council, reviewing grant applications on the Wellness Fund Committee, assisting in school food initiatives in Berwick, and participating in the Community Alcohol Partnership. Heather also volunteers with the Kingston Greenwood Mental Health Association and Valley Restorative Justice and is on the Board of Directors of Nourish NS. Heather is a dedicated leader and volunteer whose work has made a difference in her home community of Berwick and the surrounding area.

Amy Sentis, Stephanie Anderson, Tracey Wilson, Angela Bentley, Jennifer Carey, Del Filippone, Lauren Bonner, Angie Dorey, Donna Conrad:
Berwick is lucky to have a wide range of local businesses owned by courageous and brilliant women.
Marlene Connell:
She is the reason we continue to have Ringette in Berwick! She spends more of her time volunteering with organizations like Berwick & District Ringette and Somerset Soccer or substitute teaching our kids than she does doing anything for herself!!
Mandy Burgess:
Mandy puts so much of her free time and energy into volunteer coaching our young kids in Berwick & Distract Ringette AND the Central Kings Girls Hockey team! She is am awesome role model!
Sally (Parker) Horsnell:
Sally was born and raised in the Town of Berwick and is a long-time resident. An accomplished artist, Sally paid tribute to her home town by completing a series of over thirty paintings each portraying an historical building in Berwick. Some of these paintings now hang in the Berwick Museum and Art Gallery where the gallery is named in her honour. Prior to her stroke several years ago, Sally was also active in the United Church and as a young woman she worked at the Berwick Hospital.

Margaret Marshall Saunders:

Margaret Marshall Saunders who lived her childhood years in Berwick during the 1860’s is primarily known for her novel Beautiful Joe, which follows the perspective of a cruelly abused dog who recalls the story of his life in his old age after being rescued. Her novel touched the hearts of many, and became a favourite among children and adults alike. Beautiful Joe quickly became a best-selling novel and was the first Canadian novel to sell over one million copies. Saunders’ love for animals and opposition to cruelty was reflected in her everyday life as well, as she often involved herself in humanitarian and social issues. She is commemorated as a Person of National Historic Significance by the Government of Canada for her literary achievements and humanitarian work.
Amy Sentis:
She is the owner of Sweeties and during the pandemic, in my opinion was a big light! She came up with innovative ways to bring smiles to everybody, especially children when she designed a chute on halloween to make sure lods could enjoy contact free trick or treating. I know during all of this she has had a tough time with some personal issues but her infections smile never waivers !
Robyn Rix:

Robin is a leader for the 2nd Berwick Scouts program. She is also an EA at Somerset elementary. Her dedication to youth in the area is admirable and her focus both at Beavers/Cubs/Scouts is fostering independence and nurturing the children’s love for the outdoors. Her love for then outdoors transfers over to her work as an EA as well and she advocates for ideas that also foster these same ideals in a school setting. She is very much deserving of this recognition.
Betty Woodworth:

Margaret Elizabeth (Betty) Woodworth is a lifelong resident of Berwick.   She graduated in 1965 from the Payzant Memorial Hospital School of Nursing.  She worked for 28 years in Berwick’s long term nursing home GVM. Over those years she developed special bonds with many residents, their families & her coworkers. She worked as Floor Nursing Supervisor, Assistant Director of Nursing and retired as Director of Nursing Care.  Since retirement Betty continues to volunteer at GVM bringing smiles to the residents faces  In her down time she has written a book called “Gems of Old” Annapolis Valley Gold. This book has little sayings of old that Betty has  collected over her years.  She is a member/ volunteer with The Capital Apple Museum in town.   Betty has a heart of gold and would help anyone in need.    Betty & Husband Bill reside in South Berwick enjoying retirement   She is very proud of her roots and her town!  Picture provided is Betty at her graduation receiving an award for Operating Room Practices

Carol Boylan-Hartling:

Carol was a community champion for the Town of Berwick. She had a passion for the people and the places of this community that will never be rivalled and worked hard to ensure everyone felt welcome and included.

Cyndi Palmer:

Cyndi dedicated her life to her family and community. She loved working with children as she did for many years in the Berwick and Somerset schools. She was a member and past president of the Berwick Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary, member and past president of the Berwick School Band Parent Association, served as a 4-H leader and was a past president of the Berwick Gala Days committee.

Marjorie Saunders:
Marjorie is a dedicated community volunteer and well known spokeswoman of the Town of Berwick.

Edith Bethune:
Bethune's interest in photography began with her taking casual snapshots around Berwick where her husband was working as a physician. She became involved with the Annapolis Valley Pictorialists and began manually coloring her photographs. She exhibited her photographs at the Canadian Salon of Photography. Her photographs appeared in Maclean's magazine (identified as Mrs. R.O. Bethune), The Camera magazine, American Photography magazine, the American Annual of Photography, and Photo-Era magazine. She won the Kodak Competition twice, in 1929 and 1931.
Diane Louise Alcorn:
A sister of Sally Horsnell; A professional musician and mezzo-soprano, Diane was a recipient of numerous honours, including the Nova Scotia Talent Trust Award. She attended Dalhousie University in Halifax and the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. In addition to her performing career, including work with symphony orchestras and nationally broadcast concerts (CBC Radio), she was a beloved choir director, private teacher, and a member of the music faculty of St. Francis Xavier University.
Pat Jodrie:
Pat Jodrie is a passionate community champion of the Town of Berwick.
Dr. Amanda Steadman - Briner:
Since 2009 buying her dental practice from Dr. Allen, she has given very generously to her community- Berwick School and the Library for example. 
Mrs Hiram Thomas, first elected female councillor in the Town of Berwick.

Madeline Rice, Acclaim counsellor in the Town of Berwick.

Anna Ashford Morton and Beth Easson, both elected in 2004, first females elected in 32 years to the Town of Berwick Town Council.

Marianne Woodworth, elected in 2008 to the Town of Berwick Town Council.

Jane Bustin, elected in 2012 to the Town of Berwick Town Council.

Volunteer Recognition - Nominations Open!

Superheroes are real and they live in our community


The Town of Berwick is pleased to honour the volunteers who make our community so special.
We are asking the public to nominate volunteers for recognition who have helped make a difference in Berwick, and the surrounding areas.

* Note - please ensure that you have permission from the volunteer to put forward their name for recognition



African Heritage Month

At the February 9, 2021 Council Meeting the Town of Berwick proclaimed February to be African Heritage Month in the Town of Berwick. 

February 2021 Council Agenda fin page 002
On February 10, 2021 Berwick resident and grade six student, Hannah Huntley raised the Pan African flag in front of the Town of Berwick Town Hall.

This is the first time the flag has flown in front of Town Hall.

In front of a small crowd, Mayor Don Clarke read the official proclamation from the Council Meeting stating that February is recognized as African Heritage Month in the Town of Berwick and then invited Hannah forward to officially raise the flag.

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Black Lives Matter

black lives matter

The Town of Berwick stands in support of the Black Lives Matter effort.

We encourage a healthy and safe community of mutual respect for all. We endeavor to make changes within our organization and in our town that discourages racism in any form and at all times.

The Town of Berwick commends those that have organized the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Peaceful Protest March that will be held in Berwick this Saturday- July 4th. The march begins at 7 p.m. in the Rainforth Park Parking lot on Cottage Street. Complete details are in the post on Facebook.

The Town of Berwick urges community members to attend, to learn more about the Black Lives Matter movement and to hear how we, as residents, business owners, employers and employees can all help to make Berwick an unbiased community. Safe and Respectful for everyone

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