
We Need Your Input- Municipal Strategy Review

Public Participation Meeting- May 2nd, 2023

The Town of Berwick Planning Advisory Committee will hold a Public Participation Meeting on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 6:30pm in Council Chambers, 236 Commercial Street on the following proposed amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy:
(a) Providing a reference to the Town’s Public Participation Program Policy as per Minimum Planning Requirements Regulations Section 4(d), and
(b) Developing a policy for engaging with abutting municipalities whenever Council is adopting or amending the Municipal Planning Strategy as per MGA Section 204A.

If you require more information, contact 902-698-7526 or email .

Public Hearing- May 8th, 2023

Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, May 8, 2023, at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, 236 Commercial Street on the following proposed amendments to the MPS and LUB and a Development Agreement:

1. 149 Cottage Street - Redesignate and rezone PIDs 55241822, 55549125 and 55288567 from Institutional (I) to Residential (R-2). To view the staff report  click here .
2. Draft amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw to allow for accessory dwelling units as detached suites in the R1 and R2 zones. To view the staff report click here .
3. 215 Marsters Avenue - Permit a single unit dwelling on PID 55550297. To view the staff report click here .
If you are unable to attend the Public Hearing but want to make a written submission, please email or drop it off at Town Hall before 4:00 pm on the day of the Public Hearing. If you require more information, contact 902-698-7526 or email .

Public Notice of Appeal Period- 245 Commercial Street

Notice that the proposed development located at 245 Commercial Street was approved by Berwick Town Council on April 11th, 2023.

Now Accepting 2023 Volunteer Award Nominations!

Berwick's community groups, and the volunteers that run them, are the backbone of our town. We are so fortunate to have such a robust volunteer culture, one that enriches the Berwick community to its core! Know of a volunteer that deserves some kudos? Nominate them for a volunteer award!

The Town of Berwick will be holding a Volunteer Recognition event in September, and will be accepting nominations leading up to it. Fill out our volunteer nomination form today!

We love all of our local volunteers, and can't wait to celebrate them all! 


Meeting Records, Agenda, and Minutes

Any resident who wants to know exactly what’s going on in the Town of Berwick can feel free to read the monthly meeting minutes from Council meetings and Committee of Councill meetings, and learn more about what council is doing through their monthly expense account. These documents, and more, are publicly available online and at Town Hall.